SAP Courses


SAP CRM Course Content @ Learning Hub

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Base Customization

1) Overview of CRM

a) System Landscape

b) Overview of Marketing, Sales, Services, Channel Management.

c) SAP Operation and Implementation-SAP Solution manager

2) Business Partners and Account Management

a) BP Categories

b) BP Roles

c) BP Relationships

d) Related Customization

3) Organization Management

a) Creation and display of Org. Model

b) Organization data determination

c) Organization data profile

d) Related Customization

4) Product Master

a) Enhancement of Product Master

b) Creation of Material, Warranty, Financing and Services

c) Related Customization

5) Transaction Processing

a) Customization of Business Transactions

b) Item category determination

6) Activity Management

a) Business Activity

b) Tasks

7) Partner Processing

a) Partner Functions

b) Partner Function Category

c) Partner Determination Procedure

d) Assignment of Transactions to PDP.

8) CRM Actions

a) Creation of Action Profile in Transactions etc.

b) Implementation of Action Profile

c) Assignment of Action profile to transactions

9) Middleware

a) Administration Console

b) BDocs Messaging

c) RFC Connections

d) Middleware Settings

e) Initial and Delta Load

f) Registration of Queues.

10) Demonstration of Web User Interface (SAP WEB UI)