SAP Courses

SAP Project System


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SAP PS Training - Basic Project System (PS) Course

This course covers basic SAP Project System in 10 lessons, including master data, project planning, acquisitions, network activities and settlements using the new Project Builder. This is an interactive simulation course and includes simulated SAP screens. This allows you to interact with the screens just like a real SAP system, including entering data in fields and clicking on buttons or links.

SAP PS Training Goals

This course will help you become familiar with SAP’s PS (Project System) module using the Project Builder. You will learn how to:

  • Create a Project with Work Breakdown Structures (WBS) & Network Activities
  • Create Project Plans with Easy Cost Planning and Project Planning Board
  • Create Requisitions and Purchase Orders for WBS
  • Run Settlements
  • Run Project Reports

This SAP PS training uses ECC 6.0 (newest SAP release) and includes, study guide for each lesson, 60+ pages of additional SAP documentation and email support.

Training Content:

Lesson 1: Create Project Structure & Work Breakdown Structures
Lesson2: Create Network Activity
Lesson 3: Create Project Plan (Cost Planning & Project Planning Board)
Lesson 4: Create Requisitions & Purchase Orders for WBS
Lesson 5: Complete Network Activity
Lesson 6: Settle Network Activity to WBS
Lesson 7: Settlement to Asset under Construction
Lesson 8: Run Project Reports
Lesson 9: Create Final Settlement Rules
Lesson 10:Project Closeout and Final Settlement